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Just a Kid - Han

My piece is about losing a family member when I was really young, I didn't know how to cope or how to feel but I remember the whole family falling apart. It was so confusing and heartbreaking to see my family in pain and suffering.

Just a Kid

'Tell her you love her',

but she already knew that,

I couldn't understand why I needed to say it,

she knew that, right?

The days seemed to blur,

how could I understand?

I sat in silence,

the world kept turning - almost too fast.

How was I supposed to feel,

my brain foggy and confused.

I watched as everyone fell apart,

but how could I understand?

They all seemed so sad,

I thought you were coming back.

But the messages never delivered.

The calls didn't get returned.

What did I do to make you go?

Did I push you away?

I could never understand,

I was just a kid.

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