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Untitled - Haley Fugate

In the depths of darkness, a soul withdrew,

lost to the shadows, a heart that once knew,

a battle unseen, waged deep within,

as depression's grip tightened, it was hard to win.

Gone too soon, to a place unknown,

leaving behind a void, an ache, all alone.

The pain they carried, hidden from sight,

but the weight too heavy, they lost the fight.

Oh, the laughter we shared, the memories we made,

now stained with sorrow, as we navigate this cascade.

Their smile, once radiant, now a distant memory,

as we grapple with the questions, searching for clarity.

Depression's silent battle, an invisible foe,

leaving scars unseen, where no one may know.

But let us remember the light they brought,

the love that they gave, the battles they fought.

In their absence, we seek solace and grace,

supporting one another, as we find our own place.

May their spirit guide us, as we heal and mend,

and may we honour their memory, until the very end.

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